"Please... let's push that envelope a bit!!"

Light recording & mixing
@ $25 per hour
Mastering $25 per song




A few samples of Mike's work...
(Just click on a link to play the snippet)

Mixed & mastered by Mike

Atlantic Coastal Blues - Carl Ayotte

Ceci - Carl Ayotte

Carl Ayotte is a VERY talented singer, songwriter, & multi-instrumentalist.
You can find his music here!!


Produced, mixed & mastered by Mike

Pride & Joy - Dan Lawyer

Tightrope - Dan Lawyer

Dan Lawyer does this great Stevie Ray Vaughn tribute show!
"We recorded these tracks (guitar,bass,drums,vox) at Studio 111 in ONE  SMALL ROOM!!
Then I brought the tracks back here to mix and master."


Mi Vida Loca - Cherie

"Cherie is a good friend of mine down in Florida
with a fantastic voice.  She brought the track,
I recorded her voice and mixed it all together."


A. Storm Serge - The Jonathan Webster Band

"We recorded these tracks in the GTV studios in Goffstown, NH and my stydio.
Their guitar player was ill, so I played all of the electric guitars.
Prof. Rick Manning played all of the keyboards.
I enjoyed mixing this one because I added a lot of tricks and weirdness!!"


The More I See You - Vic Paul

"Vic Paul does it all!!"
"As with Cherie, he supplied his track - I recorded his voice
and mixed it all together."



Light mastering "Before & After"

This is Mike just goofing around bringing a few
older CD recording up to date...


"One Night In Bangkok" - Chess (Murry Head)

"Like The Weather" - 10,000 Maniacs

"September Morn" - Neil Diamond



"One Night In Bangkok" - Chess (Murry Head)

"Like The Weather" - 10,000 Maniacs

"September Morn" - Neil Diamond


"Why doesn't this sound right when I play it in my car?!?"

If you're having a tough time getting your music projects to sound good, you're not alone!
Things sound great on your studio speakers and in your headphones, but the minute you take it anywhere else, it's just not the same.  The volume seems wimpy. and the EQ is all over the place.

Mike Livingston can show you how to overcome this!!
He's been there himself.  Learn from his many years as a studio engineer and producer.

Affordable private lessons are available now!!
All ages, all music genres.
Whatever you're using... a studio is a studio



The first record album Mike ever bought was "Eldorado" by The Electric Light Orchestra.  Scribed on the back of that album was "Written and PRODUCED by Jeff Lynne".  Now, Mike had always known he could write songs, but what was this "production" thing?  A few years later, Mike bought his first little "Porta-studio" and he never looked back!  Mike began his self instruction in the art of studio production and engineering.  It was trial and error (mostly error) at first, but it wasn't before long that he was coming out with some very passable demos to his songs.

     As the years went by, technology improved, computer (MIDI) arrangements became possible, and Mike found himself with the ability to not only produce songs on his own - but to replicate the orchestration and HUGE SOUND he loved so much.

    Mike Livingston is now a sought after producer/engineer.  He has a reputation of doing things blindingly quick.  (At one time, J.Geils called Mike "The fastest mouse in the West"!)  He can listen to a song, tell you how to fix it, and how to RECORD it.  Mike is very well versed in ALL ASPECTS of the recording field.  He is especially trained in Cakewalk's SONAR.  But whatever the mainframe is, "a studio is a studio".

     Mike is also an excellent MASTERING ENGINEER.  He can take older recordings, clean them up, and bring them up to professional levels.  "It's actually the thing I love doing the most!!"


Oh The People He's Worked With...


Danny Klein (DK - Ace On Bass)
The J. Geils Band

Mike first met Danny by giving him lessons in Cakewalk Sonar back around 2000.
Those lessons were soon parlayed into Mike becoming the engineer on DK's band's next CD produced by J. Geils.
Mike has since become - as Danny puts it - his "studio guru".
They continue working on projects together at Danny's private "Sonar based" studio in Boston, MA.



Bob Johnston

Mike has had the opportunity of engineering for this legendary record producer on a few occasions.
"Wow! Was I lucky to fall into THAT ONE!!
I learned more about REAL record production from him than anyone else!!
Have you seen his resume?!?"

Just a few of Bob Johnston's productions...

And many, many more...

Some of Mike's original music...

  A Man Among The Pines (Deluxe Single)
(Just click on the image or the link above)
You can either just listen, or purchase if the spirit moves you,

Did someone mention more original music?!?


© 2014 Mike Livingston